
Welcome to Wealth Reader. This step-by-step guide will allow you to easily integrate the Wealth Reader widget into your application. Follow these steps and you will be able to use the widget in your application in no time.

This is an example of the end result: https://widget.wealthreader.com/demo-all/

The flow is as follows:

A page on the client invokes the widget, which displays the list of banks. One of the parameters provided by the client is the operation_id, which is needed later to be able to associate the response generated by the widget.

The user selects his entity and logs in. The widget handles any interaction with the user, such as informing the user of an incorrect password or resolving a two-factor challenge, until it successfully retrieves the information. The widget makes a call to the Wealth Reader API and performs two actions on the retrieved information:

  • On the backend, it sends the complete information to the prearranged callback URL.

  • On the frontend, the widget, which is contained in an iframe, sends a message to a listener configured on the parent page, informing the completion of the execution, so that any other action can be performed on the frontend, such as closing the bank selector or redirecting to a success page.

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